Upcoming Events


Sundays at 9:30am
120 Broad St
Claremont NH

Watch the recorded services live or at your convenience on the Trinity Facebook page 
(Use the videos tab to access the video library)


Mark Lenten Bible Study- Communal Discussion

Each person in the parish is invited to journey daily through the Gospel of Mark in Lent per the schedule and prompts provided, but some have asked to gather in person for conversation to discuss our responses to the prompts.  

We will meet 11-12 pm in the Parlor on Thursdays throughout Lent

We will then follow it up with a brief mid-day prayer service at 12:15 pm

Direct any questions to Pastor Elizabeth (emoriartytrinity@gmail.com)

Book Group

Grace Can Lead us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness by Kevin Nye

Book Group Discussion Schedule 

Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm via Zoom

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4536661933 Meeting ID  453 666 1933 Password 1205422103

2/28: Intro + Chapter 1
3/6: Chapters 2, 3, 43/13: Chapters 5, 6, 7
3/20: Chapter 8, Conclusion, and Appendix (Plus: What are our take aways?
Where do we go from here?

You will get your own book however you usually read them (library, bookshop, e-reader, etc.). Copies for those on tighter budgets will be made available. Please contact Pastor Elizabeth (emoriartytrinity@gmail.com) to request a copy or with any other questions. 

You can buy the book on Amazon HERE