Trinity Claremont is a parish of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire. We’ve been loving God and our neighbors—and worshipping with the Book of Common Prayer—from our church building facing Claremont’s Broad Street Park for close to 200 years. In 2015, members of Prince of Peace Church brought a transformative Lutheran influence to Trinity, which shows up in how we sing and pray and celebrate. Today, the people of Trinity welcome all who are committed to or curious about a life of faith.

The people of Trinity gather every week to pray, read the Bible, praise God, and consider how the Gospel of Jesus Christ connects to our daily life – together. Sunday services are at 9:30 am. We celebrate Holy Communion (also known as Holy Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, or Mass) two or three Sundays each month, and have Morning Prayer two Sundays each month. Find the schedule of worship services here.

Trinity people are actively working for good alongside their Claremont neighbors. Community groups—like NA, Girl Scouts, and 4H—and church groups are meeting at Trinity every day of the week. Interested in sharing our space or getting to know our volunteers? Find out about all those community connections here.

Curious about what’s new and what’s next at Trinity? Find out what’s going on here. You can also read about the people, places, and concerns that are close to Trinity’s heart. Check here, too, to learn more about a life of faith in the Episcopal tradition; life events like baptism, weddings, and funerals; what it means that Trinity is a “pro-Cathedral,” and what to expect at Trinity on a Sunday morning.